the catholic church

I learnt a lot from the catholic church in this unit and I have gained a lot of knowledge from peoples opinions on the catholic church. there is such a huge difference from the catholic church now to the catholic church 50 years ago. I am not catholic but from what i heard from others there faith isnt that strong because the church is boring now and i think they have to change some things other wise it while slowly weaker and people will lose faith

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what it means to be in a catholic school today ?

being an orthodox in a catholic school has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of coming to a catholic school is understand faith and how it all started, they supply us with the knowledge how to keep in touch with god and spread the good word. But some disadvantages are that its too boring and its to old school. The school waste time, money and paper supplying us with catholic magazines that everyone throws in the bin. It takes so long to get to school, when i could just go to a school down the road, but this school is a good school and i like it. overall religion lesson are alright and we learn vital information but some of it isn’t interesting.

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good vs evil

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someone who tries to make a difference

this shows us how we can make a difference and do good in our lifes

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Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation is the final book of the New Testament corpus. The title came into usage from the first word of the book in Koine Greek: apokalupsis, meaning “unveiling” or “revelation” (the author himself not having provided a title). It is also known as the Book of the Revelation of Saint John the Divine or the Apocalypse of John, (both in reference to its author) or the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ (in reference to its opening line) or simply Revelation, (often dubbed “Revelations” in contrast to the singular in the original Koine) or the Apocalypse. The word “apocalypse” is also used for other works of a similar nature, and the genre is known as apocalyptic literature. Such literature is “marked by distinctive literary features, particularly prediction of future events and accounts of visionary experiences or journeys to heaven, often involving vivid symbolism.”The Book of Revelation is the only apocalyptic document in the New Testament canon, though there are short apocalyptic passages in various places in the Gospels and the Epistles.

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The Last Judgment, Final Judgment, Day of Judgment, Judgment Day, or The Day of the Lord in Christian theology, is the final and eternal judgment by God of every nation.The concept is found in all the Canonical gospels, particularly the Gospel of Matthew. It will purportedly take place after the resurrection of the dead and the Second Coming of Christ . This belief has inspired numerous artistic depictions.

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According to some premillennial Christian interpretations, the Messiah will return to earth and defeat the Antichrist (the “beast”) Satan/Lucifer/ Devil in the battle of Armageddon. Then Satan will be put into the “bottomless pit” or abyss for 1,000 years, known as the Millennial Age. After being released from the abyss, Satan will gather Gog and Magog (peoples of two specific nations) from the four corners of the earth. They will encamp surrounding the “holy ones” and the “beloved city” (this refers to Jerusalem). Fire will come down from God, out of heaven and devour Gog and Magog after the Millennium, and the Devil who deceived them is thrown into Gehenna (the Lake of Fire and brimstone, or Hell) where the Beast and the False Prophet have been since just before the 1,000 years.

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Interpretation of Literary Forms in the Old Testament

In the weeks that we have been learning about the Literary Forms in the Old Testament I have absorbed so much information. I’ve gained much information from Prezi’s created by my fellow class mates, they have been about myths and legends, poetry and songs, laws in religion and historical stories.


What I learnt from this Prezi was that a myth is like a traditional story explain something natural and involving supernatural events. The creation story can be considered as a myth and the word myth originated from the Greek word Myst meaning fable, a speech or a tale.


Psalms is a book of the Hebrew bible and the Christian bible. Taken together, its 150 Poems in Psalms, there’s the songs of solomon and  you can praise the lord by singing. I learnt very little from this Prezi


In this Prezi it taught me about the 10 commandments and how they were given to Moses on Mt Sinai to preach them to christian people to show them how to live there lives. It is still used in the modern world today. There like guidelines and there were punishments if you broke these laws.


Many stories based on real events, it tells stories of the past in the bible, there are 3 different types of historical stories : epics which are like heroic stories, calls stories which are when God calls upon someone to do something like Moses and the 10 commandments, Genealogies are lists of ancestors and descendants.

I have learnt so much in a very short time i am very privileged.

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prezi- laws of religion

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